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Internship Journal

Week 1



My Planning Schedule for the Internship:


Initial research


31, march, 2021 

Planning, objectives, desktop research and brainstorming theme


7, April, 2021

Meetings with theme leader, brainstorm ideas for display, desktop research and library visit, check available resources




14, April, 2021

Drafting reading lists both online and onsite, coordinate with theme leaders and library staff, feedback and possible changes.


21, April, 2021
further improve reading lists both online and onsite, coordinate with theme leaders and library staff, develop social media strategy


28, April, 2021

Consolidate reading lists, further develop social media strategy gather materials for display cases


Installation and online execution


5, May, 2021

Gather materials for display cases, coordinate with library staff, start preparation with installation. Finalising online reading lists, (both on canvas and cast website?)


12, May, 2021

Delivering event, social media announcement























To prepare for the READING LIST project for cast, I first started to research about CAST project themes, and decided to choose Social Practice and Migration Mobility and Art as the main theme For the reading list. Where these are topics related to my art practice which I think have overlapping fields of research, where bringing them together might create interesting dialog under the current tension created in our social political environment and could be an interesting reading topic for potential readers.



For the first day of my internship I had meeting with Librarian at the Swanston library, locating cabinet for physical reading list display and familiarising with library access and facilities. For the rest of the day I started initial research about the reading list and writing down plans and objective s for the whole project. I have looked at the cast web page and library directory and start to brainstorm cohesive reading material. I have talked to my supervisor Thao about my plans and schedule short meetings next with research theme leaders next week to prepare for resources available for the reading lists and display. 


Objectives for the CAST reading list


-To draw interests from the student in engaging more in reading and research especially in the field of social practice, cultural and ethnographic research


-To bring exposure to the CAST research themes and projects


-To curate a cohesive online and onsite reading lists in order to bring mobility to both the library and the internet resource


-To develop a strategy for audience engagement, both onsite exhibition and online


-To create an interesting dialog between the themes of social practice and immigration, mobility, and art through the reading list.


*We are in a politically and social challenging time, where there are social issues that people that are affected by but not yet have a space to understand and engage sometime, the objective of such reading lists with the two themes is also to encourage dialog around such themes as well.




Week 2



This week I have started to draft the reading list from CAST members research publishings, in the themes of Social Practice and Mobility+Immigration+Art. Including past research repository and articles.


Week 2:


I have researched about projects that I think will be great to accompany the publishings from CAST members and Themes Leaders in both themes, and will also be suitable to promote for the onsite display and also from my personal interests that I think could attract international students interests.


Five weeks in spring


Bruised Food


Pedestrian poetics for public space


Reading as resistance


Anonymous Sojourners in the Australian Bush


Far Flung





Publishings related to such projects:




Legitimation: The Case for 'Socially Engaged Arts' - Navigating Art History, Cultural Development and Arts Funding Narratives


Re-Presenting the Everyday: Situational Practice and Ethnographic Conceptualism


The Turn to Community: Exploring the political and relational in the arts


Making Culture Count: The Politics of Cultural Measurement


Linking Who We Are and Where We Are: Saskatchewan’s Legacy of Community and Site-oriented Performance


Bruised food


5 weeks in spring



Curating Inclusive Cities through Food and Art


Sustainability, citizenship and cities : theory and practice



Belonging and the transient home: A socially engaged art project



Curating the City: Encouraging Sustainability



I have a meeting with research theme leader Marnie Badham and discussed about both online reading list plans and onsite plans at the library. Marnie suggested top 10 lists relating to such research themes outside CAST including:


Ethnographic Research


Community and Site-oriented Performance


art, globalization and urban spaces


Cultural measurement and cultural design


Curating urban spaces



With Onsite installation Marnie allowed me the freedom to experiment with things and incorporate research project residues and documents in onsite installation along with the books. I have emailed Research theme leaders in both themes to update about the project and ask about available resources, feedback and suggestion, and reading list recommendations.



Week 3


I have got in touch with the librarian and coordinated about de-installing the current display in the cabinet and getting access to the cabinet, I have retrieved dimensions of the cabinet, and start to work around possible installation options . The cabinet is cleared for installations and I have check electricity of the cabinet(possible use of light) and systems to check out books for Display.


I have also develop further reading lists and setting up a shared folder among the research theme leaders for everyone to add on and give feedback. I will keep continuing to gather project residues and documents for display.

I have also started to consider media strategy for the reading lists as coordinating with Thao about what platforms we can promote in:




-with links to the actual reading list


-prepare a 150 words introduction to the reading list projects with photos


-needs to coordinate with librarian about putting a direct reading list section in canvas shelf






*The bracketed social media from CAST might not be suitable to post since some of the accounts are

not active for a long time



Full publishing lists from CAST members in Social Practice and Migration+Mobility+Art


Marnie Badham


Legitimation: The Case for 'Socially Engaged Arts' - Navigating Art History, Cultural Development and Arts Funding Narratives


Re-Presenting the Everyday: Situational Practice and Ethnographic Conceptualism


The Turn to Community: Exploring the political and relational in the arts


Making Culture Count: The Politics of Cultural Measurement


Linking Who We Are and Where We Are: Saskatchewan’s Legacy of Community and Site-oriented Performance


Bruised food


5 weeks in spring



Tammy Wong Hulbert


Curating Inclusive Cities through Food and Art


Sustainability, citizenship and cities : theory and practice


Belonging and the transient home: A socially engaged art project



Curating the City: Encouraging Sustainability



Kristen Sharp

The art of ethnography: the aesthetics or ethics of participation?


Re-imagining the city : art, globalization and urban spaces



Achieving equivalence: a transnational curriculum design framework


Kelly Hussey-Smith


Screen ecologies : art, media, and the environment in the Asia-Pacific regio


Outer site : the intercultural projects of RMIT art in public space



Drips in the Underground: Creatively Activating Urban Ambiances

Week 4

Online reading list development:

I have started a share file including CAST member's publications and articles regarding Social Practice and Migration Mobility and Art, with links citations and abstract. I have also opened up 2 document for CAST leaders in both themes to nominate top 10 from each category which I will organise and add citations and links.

I have communicated with CAST members from both themes through email and adjust from their advice and feed back.

Onsite display development:

I have collected emotional stamps from Marnie from the project "5 weeks in Lilydale", and asked for ephemera from the project with Tammy as possible displays. I have also gained dimensions from librarian which is 85D x 168W x 144H cm, which I will co-ordinate with the CAST members about project ephemera dimensions. I have also looked at possible books for onsite display from CAST and the library. There is no lighting in the cabinet which I consider some brighter colour books and project ephemera for display.

QR codes for reading lists:

Will contact Thao and Librarian to confirm about QR codes to display in the cabinet.

Display Cabinet Location

Onsite reading list possible display 























Week 5

Online reading list development:

I have received some reading references from research members which I have re-organised and refined with citations and abstracts, I have had meetings with Kristen regarding finalising the Migration+Mobility+Art  lists and made some final changes by picking out references that are hard for students to access. I have also had meeting with Marnie about the finalising the Social Practice top 10 recommendation lists and added some reference from social practices in China. I have had Meetings with Thao about planning of promoting the online reading list, where we decided to put the reading list on CAST website and possibilities to ask the course coordinators in School of Art if they like to share the resource if the reading lists is relevant to the course. Unfortunately The School Library OLt can not authorise creating reading lists directly on canvas courses after coordinating, that I am also proposing to asks each course coordinators to share the link to the reading lists directly on canvas, for example the directory "links to links" in MFA programme.

The completed links to Reading lists with citation and abstracts:

Publications from Cast Members in Social Practice and Migration+Mobility+Art

Top 12 reference list in Social Practice

Top 10 reference list in Migration+Mobility+Art

Onsite reading list development:

I had meetings with Thao discussing the onsite installations at Swanston library cabinet, where I will incorporate ephemera from projects which overlaps Social Practice and Mobility Migration and Art, which includes stamps from  Emotional maps in Lilydale, and ephemera from the Bruised food projects, including the cooking tools and plates. I will incorporate some books that's in the reading lists and related to social practice and migration, a printed QR code that students can scan to access the readinglists, some brief description and captions about CAST research, the related projects mentioned above and some introduction to the reading list itself.  I have also had meetings with Tammy regarding possible documentary images from these research projects to be printed out accompanying the ephemera. I have also sourced some book stand from librarian staff and different sizes of wooden blocks to use in the display with the help of Duncan from Sculpture department.  I also went to the library to find and prepare books for showcasing in the cabinet, moved some blocks into the cabinet in preparation for next week.






   Wooden blocks borrowed from sculpture department, emotional stamps from 5 weeks

   in Lilydale ( not the final set up)








  Some ephemera from the Bruised Food Projects, some bookstand for display.

Screenshot 2021-05-08 at 8.44.52 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-05-08 at 8.45.25 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-04-26 at 10.16.27 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-04-26 at 10.16.16 PM.png
IMG_7869 2.HEIC
IMG_7862 2.HEIC
IMG_7872 2.HEIC
IMG_7877 2.HEIC

Internship Journal

Week 6

In the last week I have separate the final installations in to 2 days, one day in the afternoon and one day in the morning . For the first day I first make sure I have every resources I needed for the cabinet, including plinth, selected books, book stands, printed out documentation photos from the featured project, project ephemera from "5 weeks in Spring" mainly the stamps, and rice and seasonings from Bruised Food. I have also written the introduction for the project and a QR code for access to the reading list. In the second day I started to plan the display and consider about how to make interesting and engaging lay out for passing visitors from the library. I have considered colour, positions, interactions between each project and each research themes, while focusing on creative practice in the everyday life. The left side of the cabinet mainly features Migration studies and the right side features Social Practice, with some books display that intersect both area. I have follow safety procedure in the library and made sure there are no hazardous items and no material damage to the cabinet upon installation. I made sure the QR code is easy to access and the introduction is concise and clear. It is quite satisfying to see library visitor passing over the cabinet and were interested in the cabinet display when I was wrapping up at the library.

For onsite reading list I have sent the finalised reading list to Thao to update on CAST website and newsletter, we have also discussed about who we might send the resource to in order to share them on canvas shelfs as external links, upon update on CAST website I will send email to Kristen Sharp and theme leaders first to ask possible courses in the school of art that are suitable to share the resources after the assigment date.

Cabinet 5.jpg
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