How to write fake papers using AI, 2021
“How to write fake papers using AI” is a performative and generative work using the same text generative AI as Google Translate, GPT-2, where 200 papers/research regarding AI-generated fake paper were sampled, in order to train the AI some knowledge about its own reality-altering ability, I then feed the AI two “research titles” to write with, “How to write fake papers using AI” and “How to detect fake papers like this one”. The generated text then is performed by an off-the-shelf AI synthetic avatar, from a company partnering with some international news agencies, and slideshows were also automatically generated from the text, using an AI-powered slideshow generating website.
This work was created out of a homeopathic approach to investigate the phenomenon of “fake news”, and how digital generative AI produces hyper-fiction that alters reality. Using techniques similar to J.G. Ballard’s “Crash”(1973) and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”(1845), which is to simply become flatter with the text generative system as “artist”, that the two homeopathic questions were given to the AI to find out about itself, making the work a hyper-fiction that investigates hyper-fiction, that observes while recursively process its own writing.